About us
During the last 10 years, a great progress has been made in the conservation captive breeding, research and outreach of Darwin’s frogs. For this reason, we believe that this is the right moment to initiate the strategic planning of all the activities aimed to enhance Darwin’s frog conservation, and therefore, to develop an inclusive conservation strategy in cooperation among all the stakeholders and based on sound scientific evidence.
In September 2017, a seminar and workshop were held in order to develop the "Darwin's Frog Conservation Strategy", a project led by the IUCN Amphibian Specialist Group and sponsored by the Ministry of Environment of Chile.The seminar, held at the Andrés Bello University in Santiago, Chile; was open to the general public and brought together more than 300 attendees alongside with national and international key speakers.On the other hand, the workshop was held at Puerto Fuy, Reserva Biológica Huilo Huilo, Chile. During this meeting, more than 30 assistants were reunited to kick-off the strategy. During this workshop, the stakeholders participated in different working groups and developed a first draft of this bi-national conservation strategy (Chile-Argentina) that is expected to lead the conservation of both species of Darwin’s frogs during the following decades.

A network of relevant stakeholders for the conservation of Darwin's frogs was established during the above described activities. With the ever-increasing interest in this species by individuals and organizations, the strategic coordination through a conservation strategy is essential.The implementations of the actions proposed in this conservation strategy will result in more research, habitat protection and commitment for Darwin’s frogs conservation.